Saturday, April 12, 2014

Pokello Makes Good Lemonade!

By Retlaw Matatu Matorwa
This writer had never heard of Pokello Nare until the sex video clip scandal with her ex-boyfriend Desmond Chideme A.K.A Stunner. The story hit media headlines and every Tom, Dick and Harry got access to the video. Ximex mall went wild, the public was quick to judge and - Pokello was immediately labeled a prostitute whilst Desmond Chideme, a superstar for laying her in a manner most witnessed.

Stunner’s response could be equated to winning the Grammies award, though he admitted being at fault. According to him, his phone was sent for repair and that’s where the leak allegedly came from. Why he would keep such a video?  With swag, he said “pandinenge ndangogaya mudiwa wangu, I can just pull out my phone and turn on the mood, taiita tunhu twedu.” I guess for Stunner, it was also patriarchal and chauvinism mentality of satisfying his male egoism.

Todate, Pokello Nare commented less on this matter; she maintained her poise and allowed  media to quench their thirst for news, making her mince meat  breaching both her family and personal privacy. She swallowed insults and name calling more than her then boyfriend. I guess in her own space, she had it rough explaining the WHYs to her family, child, friends, let alone dealing with her own conscience. Above all, she should have felt a breach of trust and confidentiality- was it accidental or a deliberate ploy to increase Stunner’s publicity ratings? It hurts any person making public what happens within the confines of their bedroom. No wonder while chatting with big brother in 2013 BBA she referred to the incident as her “life greatest regret”.

Whilst Pokello kept it to herself, Stunner’s mouth was running faster than his brains. In a radio interview Stunner confessed, his career hit a nose dive after the sex tape, media and his corporate clients shunned him. He was quoted saying “It pulled me back a little but looking back at how I was progressing in the industry before the leak of the tape and now, I think I am beginning to get my groove back.”After the radio interview, I speculated the dude would lose her for “Breach of Trust and Confidentiality” whether it was willful or otherwise.

At the height of it all, Pokello crafted her way into Africa Big Brother house – The Chase. With nothing to lose, she went there and became her own publicist. Pokello, had her strategy in place; from day one, used the BBA platform with a continental viewership of more than 200 million to market her brand of shoes. Utilised every opportunity to sell her business at no cost. Her sense of fashion spoke volumes; the number of pair of shoes not to mention upmarket and stylish clothes left a lasting impression on both housemates and viewers.In addition to finding new love, Pokello rebranded herself a shrewd entrepreneur, a force to reckon with and a fashionista powerhouse.

After her eviction from the Big Brother House, Pokello launched a new brand of Ladies shoes, which she said “was designed in the Big brother house.” Addictive to Shoes Store was established on line. Riding on the Big Brother season titled “the chase” she named a stiletto the “Chase,” Wow! What a better way to keep the BBA funs engrossed and captivated all the way!

Social media buzz of Elikem’s grand visit to Zimbabwe followed by Pokello’s to Ghana was evident enough of how the couple had captured Africa’s heart.Thereafter, Pokello and Elikem became an unstoppable force commanding admirers and following around the continent and beyond.
Despite condemnation and the anti-Pokello campaigns, she transformed from just a shrewd hustler, a curtain raiser for a 5cent rapper to a fashionista, a flag bearer and a self made ambassador for Zimbabwe. There hasn’t been a Zimbabwean whose recognition and fame flamed like Pokello’s.

I just don’t know how I ended up searching her online, but whatever it was, gave me a positive vibe. I could not help myself getting inspired by this sister.
Regardless of your opinion of her, a few life changing lessons can be learnt from her experiences;

In life its either you allow a situation to make or break you- The power of success or failure is in your hands more than divine. If you want to win a lottery, buy a ticket. God works with you and not for you.
Always keep your head high;
Pokello kept her head high despite the condemnation and labeling. In her silence she took responsibility of her actions and never blamed her ex- she swallowed the bitter pill.

Talk is cheap; Pokello gave everyone the opportunity to talk whilst she concentrated on her dreams. She was not distracted by people’s views and condemnation.

A Misfortune can be a blessing;
One fact for sure, Pokello did not deliberately expose her sex life in the public arena- Hence a misfortune. She decided the scandal was not going to steal her dream, she saw it as an opportunity for the beginning of new things-whilst others predicted her failure. She refused to go down in history as a woman whose sexual prowess made her famous.

People don’t matter much; don’t let them be obstacles;
Pokello proved “POVO” haina basa, when you believe in your dreams and aspirations, people’s opinions of you are the least you should listen to………

Don’t look for approval or support for what you believe in, believe in yourself first;
When media and critics were busy bashing her- the only reed of inspiration she held on; was the belief in herself. She refused to seek popular opinions or rhetoric to keep her dreams alive

Money is not brains
Pokello made a name in her own right, despite criticism of her father being politically connected and rich. Most of you would agree with me there are many children of prominent public officials in Zimbabwe, who have nothing to their name but use every opportunity to flaunt their parents’ riches. She may have a rich and supportive family but she has proved her passion to make a name for herself in the business world.

Undeniably, Pokello is a brand which needs Zimbabwean support and not hate. Assessing her story, I find a lot of criticism  based on sheer envy and jealousness. She wasn’t cheating neither did she knowingly leak the video. In our current Zimbabwe, we have seen egoistic and self righteous people doing worse debauchery than Pokello and yet still remain darlings to many.

Considering the sour lemons we gave her, given better ingredients Pokello can really make good lemonade!

Anyway- that’s just my thinking
Black September

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